Jules Wittrup

I went to massage school in the New Mexico School of Natural Therapeutics (NMSNT) in 2001 and began a practice focusing on integrative therapeutic body and energy work. In 2015, I began practicing as an occupational therapist with a focus on geriatrics, lymph edema and oncology rehab. 

I was led to bodywork in my 30’s after decades of exploring ways to heal chronic pain, illness and fatigue which began with a profound paradigm shift emerging from Feldenkrais, yoga, meditation and nutrition and continued to deepen at NMSNT.  Through this intensive journey I discovered I could live pain-free.  I find embodying myself as pain-free is a complex and ongoing journey that inspires ever deepening studies in healing.  

My current studies include biodynamic Craniosacral Therapy and Taoist water lineage Qigong to foster deeper health.  I enjoy combining all of these techniques as appropriate to meet my clients’ specific and individual needs.  I adore being in nature and find the greatest amount of comfort and joy being in Colorado’s landscapes.

Profile picture of Christina Verdugo, LMT

Jules Wittrup

Therapeutic Massage Specialties

Injury Recovery | Oncology & Lymph Edema | Craniosacral |Pre and Post-natal | Deep Tissue | Energy Work

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