
5 Ways Weekend Warriors Can Prevent Back Pain
Now that it’s spring and the weather is pleasant many people are resuming their outdoor activities. For many weekend warriors this rush to return to activity can cause strain on the body after long periods of inactivity during the winter season. Here are 5 ways you can prevent back pain as you return to your workouts & physical activities.

Fall Brings New Changes
Spa Upgrades & Team AdditionsPlease welcome Christina Turco! Welcome to the team Christina Turco, LMT. Visit her Therapist Page to learn how amazing she really is. Meet our New Therapists, here to help you and Charuta during the transition with her newest baby,...
Celebrate Our New Clinic
Help us celebrate our new clinic! Tuesday Dec 21, 2021 5:30pm to 7:30pm RESCHEDULED Tuesday Jan 4, 2022 5:30pm to 7:30pm 1225 Ken Pratt Ste 137, Longmont (Located in the South East corner of Sherman Village) We're excited to show you our beautiful new...
Loyalty Savings for 2022
We want to give our loyal clients the chance to Save on massages for 2022 by purchasing packages now. Take advantage of 2021's prices & lock in the current price when you purchase a package until the end of the year! When you purchase 3 Packages* before the New...