Bulletproof Body Mechanics & Musculoskeletal Mastery

Bulletproof Body Mechanics

After a full day of bodywork, do your arms, thumbs, wrists or shoulders hurt?


Do you cringe when a large, muscular client says, “you can go deeper?”


Are you energetically burning out and you desperately want to revitalize your practice?


Have you needed to get other part-time work in order to make ends meet?


Did you never fully learn Musculoskeletal Anatomy well or in a three dimensional way?

Then this 6 part series — From Head to Toe — May be for you


  • Why is the average cost for a professional Bodywork program between 10 and 20K but so few practitioners are making a long lasting, lucrative career?

  • Why is the average burnout rate among Licensed Massage Therapists 2 to 5 years?

  • Why is overuse and injury so common among Professional Hands-On Healers?


What if you ….


  • Became truly effective in eliminating a client’s pain and dysfunction, could give them the depth they want, all without stressing yourself in the process?

  • Could give a deep tissue massage all day, every day (upwards of 6 hands-on hours a day) without burning out, feeling fatigue or injuring yourself?

  • Could learn the O’s, I’s and A’s of Musculoskeletal Anatomy effortlessly in a way you would remember for the entirety of your career?

  • Understood intimately how muscles release so you would never have to “dig it out” or “muscle” a bodywork session ever again?

  • Could learn techniques from head to toe in order to work smarter, not harder and have a full book of clientele?

That would be incredible, you would be unstoppable in your business!  Not only that, you could work as much or as little as you wanted without an external factor like burnout, injury an inability to earn a decent living taking you out of the game.


You Can do all of this and More!

Meet Chārutā, your instructor: 

After college, I joined the Peace Corps and served in a remote island country called the Republic of Kiribati.  The experience profoundly changed me.  It was there I discovered that the world was not designed to be in service to me but rather I should be in service to the world.  This awakening led me to go to massage school at the Ashland Institute of Massage in Southern Oregon and begin my journey as a seeker, healer and teacher.  I started as an assistant instructor and tutor of Anatomy, Physiology and Kinesiology in 2005 and have taught in various massage schools ever since.  I began my private massage practice in 2007.  I have refined my instruction offerings over many years.  Body mechanics is my passion.  We bodyworkers should not have to hurt in order to help others!

I have over 22,000 hands-on hours with clients and as an instructor probably over 2,000 hours.  I now have the ability to work with others all day, every day without burnout, injury or fatigue.  Being a bodyworker and healer is a profound calling and a wonderful way to earn an abundant living.  I love giving other bodyworkers the tools to accomplish this as well. In my opinion, the world needs awake, skilled, present healers to…well, heal!  It breaks my heart to see extremely talented hands-on healers give up on this craft, deep tissue bodywork, or working full time due to injury or burn out.  It is my greatest wish to help bodyworkers get the most out of this awesome career!

 When I am not in my clinic, you can find me with my two sweet boys, Julian & Jovan, skying in the winter with my family, hiking in the summer, or dancing in the kitchen while I cook.

formal family scaled

Chārutā Cubela, LMT, Trainer & Owner of Self-Transformations Massage

Part One – Face | Jaw | Neck 

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I can tell a great deal about a bodyworker’s skill simply by how they work the neck!


When you understand how muscles release and know exactly where you are in space, you can release the neck effortlessly without overworking.  The client will experience a “deep tissue massage” but you will be giving very minimal effort with maximum relief.





Common mistakes bodyworkers make in this region of the body:

  • They rake over transverse processes (T.P.’s) not realizing they are doing this, which causes micro abrasions and more discomfort than necessary.  This can cause more neck dysfunction. 

  • They give too much downward pressure or stretch the neck in a way that is counter productive likely because they are unaware of the A’s of the different layers of neck muscles. 

  • They curl their fingers and use strong thumb pressure in thick neck muscles, which can cause thumb and finger pain for the practitioner.  

  • Move too fast, switching techniques too rapidly and therefore are unable to get the release this area desperately needs.

  • They use oil or lotion, too much and too often, which prevents connective tissue release.  

  • They neglect the anterior neck and muscles of mastication, which are important for treating most dysfunction in the neck like whiplash. 

The neck can be delicate as it is the most vulnerable and mobile series of joints in the body.  Everyone’s neck is tight, but knowing what is causing what muscles to be tight, knowing what layer of muscle you are on, where the O’s, I’s and A’s are for each muscle and muscle group in the neck will get you return clients again and again for good work in the neck is rare indeed! 

Participants will learn:

  • O’s, I’s and A’s of the Face, Jaw, Neck, and Head in a fun and engaging way they will truly remember for years to come

  • Effortless techniques to release these muscles for optimal relief to their clients, which includes a crash course in myofascial release & trigger point therapy 

  • A pacing and flow in their bodywork that will leave their clients coming back again and again because they are getting both the depth they need and the lasting relief from pain they have been desperate for in this area of the body. 

  • How to solve pathologies such as TMJ syndrome, certain types of migraines and tension headaches, whiplash, head-forward posture and how to promote overall well being

  • Bulletproof body mechanics while treating this area of the body.  Participants will never overwork their thumb and fingers in this area ever again


Date: March 29th & 30th

Hours:  10 am to 3 pm (mid-day break)


  • $450 per person ($45 per hour)

  • $350 if you register 2 weeks early and/or refer a body worker friend who signs up for at least 1 workshop in this series

  • $300 if you sign up for all 6 of this series and pay in full.* (that is only $30 per hour)

Location:  1225 Ken Pratt Blvd Ste 137, Longmont, CO 80501


Once you register here, you will be given an email with expectations, what to bring and other ways to prepare.

*For those taking the entire series, we can customize a payment plan at no additional cost per request. If you miss 1 or 2 workshops dates, you will be able to take them at a future date.  

Part Two – Shoulder | Arms | Forearms | Hands

The shoulder is an extremely mobile and the only “free floating” joint in the body, which means it does not fully articulate with another large bone.  In fact, the entire shoulder girdle is only attached to the Axial skeleton by the small acromioclavicular (AC) joint.  Couple this by the fact that we are a head forward and shoulder medially rotated society because of our lifestyles — driving, desktops, texting, etc., — it makes this region of the body prone to injury and our lives highly debilitated when shoulder issues arise.

What makes a therapist stand out is how well they address chronic issues like frozen shoulder, elbow tendonitis, carpal tunnel (CTS) and thoracic outlet syndrome (TOS).

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Common mistakes bodyworkers make in this region of the body:

  • They use oil from the beginning of the session, making fascia work impossible to achieve, limiting their ability to be effective with reducing nerve pain in the shoulder and arm

  • They do not work the shoulder in the side lying position, which is by far the best way to treat dysfunction in the shoulder and arm 

  • They are not skilled in basic fascial techniques like “pin and stretch” in order to gracefully and easefully reduce dysfunction, especially nerve dysfunction in this area

  • They are unaware of the nerve anatomy in this area to properly treat muscle vs. nerve dysfunction

Participants will learn:

  • O’s, I’s and A’s of the shoulder girdle, arm, forearm and hand in a fun and engaging way they will truly remember for years to come

  • How to drap and perform important therapeutic techniques in the side lying position to effectively treat specific dysfunction such as frozen shoulder, CTS, TOS and tendinitis in the elbow.

  • A crash course in myofascial release & trigger point therapy for this region to be most effective

  • A pacing and flow in their bodywork that will leave their clients coming back again and again because they are getting both the depth they need as well as lasting therapeutic results

  • Bulletproof body mechanics so they can have vitality and energy in their practice



Date: April, 26th & 27th

Hours:  10 am to 3 pm (mid-day break)


  • $450 per person ($45 per hour)

  • $350 if you register 2 weeks early and/or refer a body worker friend who signs up for at least 1 workshop in this series

  • $300 if you sign up for all 6 of this series and pay in full.* (that is only $30 per hour)

Location:  1225 Ken Pratt Blvd Ste 137, Longmont, CO 80501


Once you register here, you will be given an email with expectations, what to bring and other ways to prepare.

*For those taking the entire series, we can customize a payment plan at no additional cost per request. If you miss 1 or 2 workshops dates, you will be able to take them at a future date.  

Part Three – The Back – Postural Disorders & Spinal Injuries

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Most massage therapists do not understand how to make effective and lasting changes for most postural disorders such as sway back, scoliosis, head forward posture and kyphosis.  Furthermore, many do not understand how to treat back injuries like herniated and bulging disks or people with complex issues like post spinal surgery and spinal fusions.  

Contrary to what you may have learned in massage school, we CAN treat complex back issues but there must be a mastery in both technique and anatomy.

Common mistakes bodyworkers make in this region of the body:

  • They learn of a spinal surgery or injury and simply “gloss over” this area instead of treating it because of uncertainty as t how to treat it

  • They do not understand how antagonistic and synergistic muscles release, greatly reducing some of the most common postural issues like head forward posture

  • Do not work the Fascial structures before using oils

  • They tend to “dig it out” instead of gradually releasing painful and stiff muscles

Participants will learn:

  • O’s, I’s and A’s of the entire back, arm and their counterpart antagonistic muscles

  • Crash course in Bone and Spinal nerves anatomy in a way they will remember for years to come

  • Effective techniques to reduce 99% of all low back pain

  • Bullet proof body mechanics in this area to reduce fatigue and burnout, regardless of the client’s body type

  • An ability to discern what Back pathologies to treat and what to refer and knowing exactly how to treat what easily



Date: June 21st & 22nd

Hours:  10 am to 3 pm (mid-day break)


  • $450 per person ($45 per hour)

  • $350 if you register 2 weeks early and/or refer a body worker friend who signs up for at least 1 workshop in this series

  • $300 if you sign up for all 6 of this series and pay in full.* (that is only $30 per hour)

Location:  1225 Ken Pratt Blvd Ste 137, Longmont, CO 80501


Once you register here, you will be given an email with expectations, what to bring and other ways to prepare.

*For those taking the entire series, we can customize a payment plan at no additional cost per request. If you miss 1 or 2 workshops dates, you will be able to take them at a future date.  

Part Four – The Hip – From Sciatic to Psoas

Hips are meant to move.  In our society, we sit too much, type too much, drive too much and do mono-activities all day everyday.  It isn’t natural and our hips pay the price.  Learn how to address the most common hip issues like anterior tilt, hip flexor issues, S.I. joint pain, sciatic and piriformis syndrome easily.

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Common mistakes bodyworkers make in this region of the body:

  • They do not treat the gluteal region well due to a client wearing underwear

  • They often treat the posterior hip without also treating the anterior hip for balance

  • They forget the O’s, I’s and A’s of important muscles in this area like the deep lateral rotators.

  • They are overprotective and do not to treat hip adductors properly

Participants will learn:

  • O’s, I’s and A’s of each region of the hip, upper thigh and low back in a fun, engaging way they will remember for years to come

  • A crash course in hip ligaments that keep the three hip bones (ilium, ischium, and pubis) together

  • Effective techniques to mobilize and treat imbalances in the hip

  • A bulletproof way to treat the gluteal region effectively with easy body mechanics

  • How to drap and treat the hip in the side lying position; the most effective way to treat dysfunction such as sciatica and piriformis syndrome


Date: September, 27th & 28th

Hours:  10 am to 3 pm (mid-day break)


  • $450 per person ($45 per hour)

  • $350 if you register 2 weeks early and/or refer a body worker friend who signs up for at least 1 workshop in this series

  • $300 if you sign up for all 6 of this series and pay in full.* (that is only $30 per hour)

Location:  1225 Ken Pratt Blvd Ste 137, Longmont, CO 80501


Once you register here, you will be given an email with expectations, what to bring and other ways to prepare.

*For those taking the entire series, we can customize a payment plan at no additional cost per request. If you miss 1 or 2 workshops dates, you will be able to take them at a future date.  

Part Five – Thigh | Leg | Foot

Many practitioners, newer and seasoned alike, do not know what to do with knee, foot or ankle pain.  What are the root causes of a particular joint dysfunction and how to treat them?  How does one assess cause and treat underlying issues so people can move freely without pain?  We will address that and more in this class.


 Common mistakes bodyworkers make in this region of the body:


  • They rake over the I.T. band bruising the vastus lateralis, which is deep to the ITB, thus hurting their client in the process

  • They make their clients winch in pain when they use elbows pressure indiscriminately in their clients hamstrings and quadriceps

  • They forget the O’s, I’s and A’s of important muscles in this area and their bony landmarks and ligaments necessary to be effective in treating common injuries

  • They do not understand clearly how the ankle, knee and hip are intimately related in lower body joint issues.

Participants will learn:

  • A crash course of the O’s, I’s and A’s in this region and how to remember them effortlessly.

  • How to effectively treat conditions like knee pain, a hamstring pull, calf cramps, plantar fasciitis and more. 

  • Effective techniques to mobilize the lower body joints for athletes and those who sit all day at a desk or while driving

  • How to assess the underlying causes of certain joint pain or imbalances and how to treat them with the greatest amount of ease to practitioners bodies, regardless of the client’s body type. 


Date:  October, 25th & 26th

Hours:  10 am to 3 pm (mid-day break)


  • $450 per person ($45 per hour)

  • $350 if you register 2 weeks early and/or refer a body worker friend who signs up for at least 1 workshop in this series

  • $300 if you sign up for all 6 of this series and pay in full.* (that is only $30 per hour)

Location:  1225 Ken Pratt Blvd Ste 137, Longmont, CO 80501


Once you register here, you will be given an email with expectations, what to bring and other ways to prepare.

*For those taking the entire series, we can customize a payment plan at no additional cost per request. If you miss 1 or 2 workshops dates, you will be able to take them at a future date.  

Part Six – Series Integration | Individual Problem Solving | Marketing

This integration class is all about you, not about a particular area of the body.  Lets integrate everything we have learned in this series and put it to the test.  Bring your most challenging case studies, bring your questions and concerns, bring your injuries, sensitivities and resistances and we will use this time to find a solution to your individualized problems.

This class is meant to “tie the bow” from head to toe so you can leave knowing exactly how to treat most common muscular dysfunctions, how to keep your clients coming back week after week, month after month, and how to do this still feeling energized in your body and happy about your chosen profession.

Community Integration

Participants will:

  • Review all of the O’s, I’s, and A’s of musculoskeletal anatomy in a fun and energizing way in order to determine what was retained and solve any gaps in memory.

  • Problem solve skills learned in past courses, examples include but are not limited to:

         ~ How do I drap in side lying again?

         ~ My wrist hurts, how do I preform that differently?

        ~ How do you pull fascia specifically for … ?

        ~ What were those stretches of the hip again?

        ~ How do I do that move without fatigue?

  • Learn how integrate these therapeutic techniques in a full body, deep tissue massage with perfect body mechanics, addressing any “bad habits” that have crept back in.

  • Learn how to speak to clients, market what they do, charge accordingly, and love it!


Date: December 6th & 7th

Hours:  10 am to 3 pm (mid-day break)


  • $450 per person ($45 per hour)

  • $350 if you register 2 weeks early and/or refer a body worker friend who signs up for at least 1 workshop in this series

  • $300 if you sign up for all 6 of this series and pay in full.* (that is only $30 per hour)

Location:  1225 Ken Pratt Blvd Ste 137, Longmont, CO 80501


Once you register here, you will be given an email with expectations, what to bring and other ways to prepare.

*For those taking the entire series, we can customize a payment plan at no additional cost per request. If you miss 1 or 2 workshops dates, you will be able to take them at a future date.